JULY 2, 2019


The following rules for conduct apply to all students, and the violation of the rules will result in consequences as described below. In appropriate circumstances the principal is granted the authority to exercise his/her good judgment and apply a greater or lesser consequence than those stated here. Principals must consult their School Support Officer (SSO) prior to suspending a student out of school for more than five (5) consecutive days. Aggravating circumstances may result in more severe consequences than listed for the specific rule violation.

Rule 1. Trespassing- Students shall not willfully enter or remain in any school structure, conveyance or property without having been authorized by school personnel. No student shall be on the campus of another school other than his or her assigned school without the knowledge and consent of the officials of the school he or she is visiting. No student shall refuse to depart from the property of the Lexington City Schools after being requested to do so.


Elementary- In-school disciplinary action up to 1 day oss.

Middle School-In-school disciplinary action up to 3 days OSS. Law enforcement may be called.

High School-In-school disciplinary action up to 3 days OSS. Law enforcement may be called.

Rule 2. Attendance - Students shall follow State and local attendance guidelines and attend classes in a timely and regular fashion.

a) Skipping (not coming to school) school in whole or in part - Students shall come to school and be present in their designated homeroom and/or their assigned classroom unless they have been authorized to be absent by the principal or his/her designee or they have an absence that is excused pursuant to State guidelines and Board policy for attendance.


Elementary-In-school disciplinary action including Saturday or before/afterschool detention.

Middle School-In-school disciplinary action, including Saturday or before/afterschool detention up to ISS.

High School-In-school disciplinary action, including Saturday or before/afterschool detention up to ISS.

b) Skipping (leaving school once present) school in whole or in part -- Students shall come to school, remain at school once they have arrived and be present in their designated homeroom and/or their assigned classroom unless they have been authorized to do otherwise by the principal or his/her designee.


Elementary-In-school disciplinary action.

Middle School-In-school disciplinary action up to 1 day OSS.

High School-n-school disciplinary action up to 2 days OSS.

c) Unexcused Tardies in Homeroom, A/A Period and/or Assigned Classes-Students shall not be tardy to homeroom, A/A and/or assigned classes.


Elementary-In-school disciplinary action.

Middle School-In-school disciplinary action up to ISS.

High School- In-school disciplinary action up to ISS.

Rule 3. Cheating - Students shall not engage in any act of deception or falsification of work product. This includes cheating by receiving any unauthorized aid or assistance or the actual giving or receiving of unfair advantage on any form of academic work, plagiarism by copying the language structure, idea and/or thought of another and representing it as one's own work, and a verbal or written statement of untruth.


Elementary - In-school disciplinary action up to 1 day OSS. Zero on assignment. May be allowed opportunity to redo assignment.

Middle School- In-school disciplinary action up to 2 days OSS. Zero on assignment. May be allowed opportunity to redo assignment.

High School-In-school disciplinary action up to 3 days OSS. Zero on assignment. May be allowed opportunity to redo assignment.

Rule 4. Inappropriate or Lewd Interpersonal Behavior- Students shall conduct their personal and social relationships according to acceptable community standards. Inappropriate public displays of affection as determined by the principal will not be allowed. Lewd, illegal or sexual gestures or act


Elementary-In-school disciplinary action up to long term suspension. Law enforcement may be notified.

Middle School-ISS up to long-term suspension. Law enforcement may be notified.

High School-ISS up to long-term suspension. Law enforcement may be notified.

Rule 5. Use of Tobacco Products- Students shall not use or possess tobacco products, including e cigarettes, on any school property at any time while a student is at school in any school building and on any school premises, attending school-sponsored activities, on or about any school-owned or operated vehicle, off school property at any school­sponsored or school approved activity or function or during any period of time when students are subject to the authority of school personnel and/or at any time when the student's behavior has a direct and immediate effect on maintaining order and discipline and/or protecting the safety and welfare of students and staff.


Elementary-In-school disciplinary action up to 1 day OSS.

Middle School-Referral to Tobacco Education Program for first offense. Up to 3 days OSS for students refusing to participate in the program and for subsequent violations.

High School-Referral to Tobacco Education Program for first offense. Up to 3 days OSS for students refusing to participate in the program and for subsequent violations.

Rule 6. Noncompliance with Directives from Principals, Teachers and Other School Personnel - Students shall comply with the directions of all principals, assistant principals, teachers, substitute teachers, counselors, media specialists, teacher assistants, student teachers, coaches, advisors, bus drivers, bus supervisors and any other authorized school personnel at all times while a student is at school in any school building and on any school premises, attending school­sponsored activities, on or about any school-owned or operated vehicle, off school property at any school-sponsored or school approved activity or function or during any period of time when students are subject to the authority of school personnel, and/or at any time when the student's behavior has a direct and immediate effect on maintaining order and discipline and/or protecting the safety and welfare of students and staff.


Elementary-In-school disciplinary action measures for most infractions and up to 1 day OSS for repeated or serious infractions.

Middle School-In school disciplinary action up to 3 days OSS. Long term suspension may result if aggravating circumstances are present.

High School-In school disciplinary action up to 3 days OSS. Long term suspensibn may result if aggravating circumstances are present.

Rule 7. Bus Misbehavior- Students, at all times while riding a school bus or other school-owned or operated vehicle, shall observe the directives of the school bus driver and/or bus contract vehicle safety monitor. The following conduct is specifically prohibited and may result in revocation of school system provided transportation privileges; delaying the bus schedule, fighting, smoking, inappropriate behavior of a lewd or offensive nature, using profanity or refusing to obey the driver's instructions, tampering with or willfully damaging the school vehicle, getting off at an unauthorized stop, departing the bus via the emergency door or windows without being told to do so by the driver, distracting the driver's attention by participating in disruptive behavior while the vehicle is in operation, standing or moving around the bus while the vehicle is in motion, throwing objects from the bus windows or doors, failing to observe and obey safety regulations, failing to sit in an assigned seat if applicable, willfully trespassing on a school-owned or operated vehicle, or violating any other Code of Conduct rule while on the school bus. If a violation of this Code also violates other rules, consequences in addition to those listed below may be implemented.


Elementary-In-school discipline action up to 5 days suspension from transportation.

Middle School-In-school discipline action up to 10 days suspension from transportation and repeated or serious offenses may result in out-of-school suspension.

High School-In-school discipline action up to 10 days suspension from transportation and repeated or serious offenses may result in out-of-school suspension.

Rule 8. Insulting, Abusive, Harassing, Profane, Obscene or Seriously Disrespectful Words, Acts of Touching, Gestures, Signs, Verbal Threats, Acts of Bullying or Intimidation, or Other Acts - Students shall respect other students, visitors, school employees and other persons by utilizing appropriate language and behaviors at all times. Any action which is insulting, abusive, harassing, profane, obscene, bullying, intimidating or seriously disrespectful and which disrupts the learning process for any student or which demeans or degrades another person based on his/her race, color, sex, religion, creed, political belief, age, national origin, linguistic and language differences, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, socioeconomic status, height, weight, physical characteristics, marital status, parental status or disability is specifically prohibited. Students who believe they have been subjected to bullying, harassment or discrimination should inform a teacher, counselor or school administrator.


Elementary In-school disciplinary action. Repeated or serious violations up to 3 days OSS.

Middle School - In-school disciplinary action up to 5 days OSS. Long term suspension may result if aggravating circumstances are present.

High School - In-school disciplinary action up to 5 days OSS. Long term suspension may result if aggravating circumstances are present.

Rule 9. Gambling - Students shall not engage in any form of games of chance or gambling for money and/or things of value.


Elementary - In-school disciplinary action up to 1 day OSS. Law enforcement may be notified.

Middle School - In-school disciplinary action up to 3 days OSS. Law enforcement may be notified.

High School - In-school disciplinary action up to 5 days OSS. Law enforcement may be notified.

Rule 10. Forging Notes/Documents- Students shall not provide false information to school officials and/or parents or guardians with regard to any report card, attendance matter, grades or progress reports, discipline matters or any other school business.


Elementary - In-school disciplinary action up to 3 days OSS.

Middle School - In-school disciplinary action up to 5 days oss.

High School - In-school disciplinary action up to 5 days OSS.

Rule 12. Unlawfully setting a fire or Making or Possessing Destructive Devices, Exploding Firecrackers or Igniting Similar Devices, Causing a Fire or Committing Arson.

a) Setting Fire or Burning - Students shall not cause any fire whether or not there is an intent to commit arson or other crimes involving fire or explosion at any time while a student is at school in any school building and on any school premises, attending school-sponsored activities, on or about any school-owned or operated vehicle, off school property at any school sponsored or school-approved activity or function or during any period of time when students are subject to the authority of school personnel and at any time when the student's behavior has a direct and immediate effect on maintaining order and discipline and protecting the safety and welfare of students and staff. Students shall not set fire to anything unless directed to do so under the supervision of a teacher or administrator for educational purposes.


Elementary - OSS up to long-term suspension. Law enforcement shall be called. Restitution may be required.

Middle School OSS up to long-term suspension. Law enforcement shall be called. Restitution may be required.

High School OSS up to long-term suspension. Law enforcement shall be called. Restitution may be required.

b) Willfully Burning a School Building -A student shall not wantonly or willfully set fire to, burn, causes to be burned, or aid, counsel, or procure the burning of any schoolhouse or building owned, leased, or used by any public school, college, or educational institution (GS 14-60).


Elementary - OSS up to long-term suspension. Law enforcement will be called. Restitution will be required.

Middle School OSS up to long-term suspension. Law enforcement will be called. Restitution will be required.

High School- OSS up long-term suspension. Law enforcement will be called. Restitution will be required.

d) Making or Possessing Exploding Firecrackers or Similar Igniting Devices -Students shall not make or possess firecrackers or smoke-creating devices or materials or facsimiles thereof, including matches or lighters. In the event that a device is discovered, it shall be confiscated and not returned to the student.


Elementary - In-school disciplinary action or OSS up to long-term suspension. Confiscate device. Law enforcement may be called. Restitution may be required.

Middle School - School In-school disciplinary action or OSS up to long-term suspension. Confiscate device. Law enforcement may be called. Restitution may be required.

High School - In-school disciplinary action or OSS up to long-term suspension. Confiscate device. Law enforcement may be called. Restitution may be required. In-school disciplinary action or OSS up to long-term suspension.

e)Bringing or Possessing Destructive Devices on Educational Property -Students shall not bring or possess any destructive device. A destructive device is defined as an explosive, incendiary, or poison gas; including a bomb, grenade, rocket having a propellant charge of more than four ounces, missile having an explosive or incendiary charge of more than one-quarter ounce, mine or other similar device.


Elementary - 365 day suspension. Law enforcement will be called. Restitution may be required. 365 day suspension. Confiscate device. Law enforcement will be called.

Middle School - 365 day suspension. Law enforcement will be called. Restitution may be required. 365 day suspension. Confiscate device. Law enforcement will be called.

High School - 365 day suspension. Confiscate device. Law enforcement will be called. Restitution may be required.

Rule 13. Unjustified Activation of a Fire or Other Alarm System - Students shall not activate any fire or other alarm system unless authorized to do so by school employees or unless there are reasonable grounds to believe that an actual emergency situation exists.


Elementary - In-school disciplinary action up to 10 days OSS. Law enforcement and fire department will be called. 10 days OSS up to long-term suspension.

Middle School - 10 days OSS up to long-term suspension. Law enforcement and fire department will be called.

High School- 10 days OSS up to long-term suspension. Law enforcement and fire department will be called.

Rule 14. Fighting Among Students- Students shall not fight or attempt to cause bodily harm to another student through physical contact. If a student is attempting to involve another student in a fight, the other student should walk away and report it to a teacher, assistant principal or principal. If a student is a victim of a violent attack, he or she may defend themselves only as it is necessary so long as to protect oneself from harm or place oneself under the protection of a school official or the School Resource Officer,


Elementary - In-school disciplinary action up to 10 days OSS. Law enforcement may be called.

Middle School - 3 days OSS up to long term suspension. Law enforcement may be called.

High School 5 days OSS up to long term suspension. Law enforcement may be called.

Rule 15. Extortion - Students shall not extort through verbal, written or physical threats, coercion or intimidation anything of value (personal property, money, or information) from any other student or school employee.


Elementary - In-school disciplinary action up to 10 days OSS. Law enforcement may be called.

Middle School - 3 days OSS up to long term suspension. Law enforcement may be called.

High School - 5 days OSS up to long term suspension. Law enforcement may be called.

Rule 16. Theft or Destruction of School or Personal Property- Students shall not steal or attempt to steal, knowingly be in possession of stolen property, or intentionally damage or attempt to damage any school or private property while under school jurisdiction. Students shall not vandalize damage, steal or attempt to damage property belonging to others.


Elementary - In-school disciplinary action up to 10 days OSS. Law enforcement may be called. Restitution may be required.

Middle School - In-school disciplinary action or OSS up to and including long term suspension. Law enforcement may be called. Restitution may be required.

High School In-school disciplinary action or OSS up to and including long term suspension. Law enforcement may be called. Restitution may be required.

Rule 17. Robbery, Burglary, Taking or Destroying Property, Using Violence or Threat of Violence - Students shall not steal or attempt to steal, damage or destroy property of others using violence or threats of bodily harm.

Consequences :

Elementary - OSS up to long-term suspension. Law enforcement may be called. Restitution may be required.

Middle School - ass up to long-term suspension. Law enforcement will be called. Restitution may be required.

High School ass up to long-term suspension. Law enforcement will be called. Restitution may be required.

Rule 18. Incidents of Aggressive Physical Action - Students shall not engage in minor incidents of hitting, biting, shoving, kicking, spitting, throwing objects or other similar offenses towards a student or an adult.


Elementary - In-school disciplinary action up to 3 days ass.

Middle School - In-school disciplinary action up to 3 days ass. ass up to and including long-term suspension for repeated incidents.

High School In-school disciplinary action up to 3 days ass. ass up to and including long-term suspension for repeated incidents.

Rule 19. Threats or Actions of Assault Against Adults

a) Physical Assault or Physical Harm to School Employees and Other Adults - Students shall not cause or attempt tocause physical or bodily harm to principals, assistant principals, teachers, substitute teachers, student teachers, coaches, advisors, counselors, media specialists, bus drivers or monitors, or other adults at any time while a student is at school in any school building and on any school premises, attending school-sponsored activities, on or about any school-owned or operated vehicle, off school property at any school-sponsored or school approved activity or function or during any period of time when students are subject to the authority of school personnel, and at any time when the student's behavior has a direct and immediate effect on maintaining order and discipline and protecting safety and welfare of students and staff. If a teacher is assaulted or injured by a student and as a result the student is long-term suspended or reassigned to alternative education services, the student shall not be returned to that teacher's classroom unless the teacher consents.


Elementary - OSS up to long-term suspension. Law enforcement will be called.

Middle School - 10 days ass up to long-term suspension. Law enforcement will be called.

High School 10 days ass up to long-term suspension. Law enforcement will be called.

b) Written or Verbal Assault to School Employees and Other Adults - Students shall not, through written or oral communication, threaten to cause, cause or attempt to cause harm to principals, assistant principals, teachers, substitute teachers, student teachers, teacher assistants, coaches, advisors, counselors, media specialists, bus drivers or monitors, or other adults at any time while a student is at school in any school building and on any school premises, attending school-sponsored activities, on or about any school-owned or operated vehicle, off school property at any school-sponsored or school approved activity or function or during any period of time when students are subject to the authority of school personnel and at any time when the student's behavior has a direct and immediate effect on maintaining order and discipline and protecting safety and welfare of students and staff.


Elementary - In-school discipline action to 10 days OSS. Law enforcement will be called.

Middle School - OSS up to long-term suspension. Law enforcement may be called.

High School OSS up to long-term suspension. Law enforcement may be called.

Rule 20. Physical Assault Upon a Student- a) Physical Assault Upon a Student - Students shall not cause, attempt to cause or threaten to cause (whether orally or in writing) injury of any kind to a student while a student is at school in any school building and on any school premises, attending school-sponsored activities, on or about any school-owned or operated vehicle, off school property at any school-sponsored or school-approved activity or function or during any period of time when students are subject to the authority of school personnel and at any time when the student's behavior has a direct and immediate effect on maintaining order and discipline and protecting safety and welfare of students and staff.


Elementary - OSS up to 10 days. Law enforcement will be called if required by law, and may be called in other circumstances.

Middle School - OSS up to long-term suspension. Law enforcement will be called if required by law, and may be called in other circumstances

High School - OSS up to long-term suspension. Law enforcement will be called if required by law, and may be called in other circumstances.

c) Violent Physical Assault Upon a Student Resulting in Injury-Students shall not physically attack any other student causing severe or aggravated bodily injury involving, but not limited to, broken bones, loss of teeth, possible internal injuries, severe lacerations and bleeding or loss of consciousness, and/ or requiring emergency medical services by trained school personnel or other health professionals (e.g., EMS) and/or hospitalization.


Elementary - 10 days ass up to long-term suspension. Law enforcement will be called if required by law, and may be called in other circumstances.

Middle School - 10 days ass up to long-term suspension. Law enforcement will be called if required by law, ·and may be called in other circumstances.

High School - 10 days ass up to long-term suspension. Law enforcement will be called if required by law, and may be called in other circumstances.

Rule 21. Possession of a Firearm, Other Types of Guns, or Other "Look-Alike" Firearms- Students shall not possess or conceal or transport any gun, air gun, BB gun, pellet gun, firearm, stun-gun, starter pistol, paintball gun, zip gun or any similar weapon that is capable of or causing serious bodily injury or any gun facsimile (an exact or close reproduction or imitation of an actual or real gun) or incidental items relating to firearms use, such as bullets, magazine clips, or other projectile items at any time while a student is at school in any school building and on any school premises, attending school-sponsored activities, on or about any school-owned or operated vehicle, off school property at any school sponsored or school-approved activity or function or during any period of time when students are subject to the authority of school personnel, and at any time when the student's behavior has a direct and immediate effect on maintaining order and discipline and protecting safety and welfare of students and staff.

a) Possession of a Firearm - Students shall not possess a firearm which is any of the following: a weapon, including a starter gun, which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive; the frame or receiver or any such weapon; any firearm muffler or firearm silencer; the term shall not include an inoperable antique firearm, a BB gun, stun gun, air rifle, or air pistol.


Elementary - 365 day suspension. Confiscate weapon. Law enforcement will be called.

Middle School - 365 day suspension. Confiscate weapon. Law enforcement will be called.

High School 365 day suspension. Confiscate weapon. Law enforcement will be called.

b) Possession of Other Types of Guns - Students shall not possess or conceal or transport or use any air gun, BB gun, pellet gun, stun-gun, taser, zip gun or any other weapon capable of firing a projectile or any gun facsimile (an exact or close reproduction or imitation of a gun reasonably perceived by a person to be an actual or real gun).


Elementary - In-school discipline up to a long-term suspension. Confiscate weapon. Law enforcement will be called.

Middle School - In-school discipline up to a long-term suspension. Confiscate weapon. Law enforcement will be called.

High School In-school discipline up to a long-term suspension. Confiscate weapon. Law enforcement will be called.

c) Possession of Other "Look-alike" Firearms or Incidental items relating to firearms - Students shall not possess any other "look-alike" gun such as a plastic gun, rubber gun, candy gun or water pistol, paintball guns, or incidental items relating to firearms use, such as bullets, magazine clips, or other projectile items.


Elementary - In school discipline up to 3 days of OSS and conference with parent for first offense. Confiscate "look-alike" weapon. Repeated offenses will result in longer OSS terms.

Middle School - In school discipline up to 3 days of OSS and conference with parent for first offense. Confiscate "look-alike" weapon. Repeated offenses will result in longer OSS terms.

High School - In school discipline up to 3 days of OSS and conference with parent for first offense. Confiscate "look-alike" weapon. Repeated offenses will result in longer OSS terms.

Rule 22. Possession of a Dangerous Weapon or Other Instrument- Students shall not possess or conceal or transport any weapon, chemical agent or other instrument that could cause or that is intended to cause bodily injury or other harm to another or misuse otherwise acceptable objects in a manner intended to cause harm to others at any time while a student is at school in any school building and on any school premises, attending school-sponsored activities, on or about any school-owned or operated vehicle, off school property at any school-sponsored or school-approved activity or function or during any period of time when students are subject to the authority of school personnel, and at any time when the student's behavior has a direct and immediate effect on maintaining order and discipline and protecting safety and welfare of students and staff.


Elementary - In-school disciplinary action up to 10 days OSS. Confiscate weapon. Law enforcement will be called. Repeated offenses may result in long-term suspension.

Middle School - OSS up to longterm suspension. Confiscate weapon. Law enforcement will be called.

High School OSS up to longterm suspension. Confiscate weapon. Law enforcement will be called.

Rule 23. Disruption of School

a) Communicating a False Bomb Report or Perpetrating a Bomb Hoax- Students shall not communicate a false bomb report that there is located on any school property or at any school-sponsored event on or off school property any device designed to cause damage by explosion, blasting or burning. Students shall not perpetrate a bomb hoax by any means, including the concealment, placement or display of any device, machine, or artifact to cause a person to reasonably believe the item is a bomb.


Elementary - OSS up to long-term suspension. Law enforcement will be called

Middle School - 10 days OSS up to long-term suspension. Law enforcement will be called.

High School 10 days OSS up to long-term suspension Law enforcement will be called.

b) Communicating a Terroristic Threat or Perpetrating a Terroristic Hoax- Students shall not communicate a false report by any means that there is located on school property or at any school-sponsored activity off school property any device, substance or material designed to cause harmful or life-threatening illness or injury to others. Students shall not perpetrate a hoax by concealing, placing, disseminating or displaying on school property or at school-sponsored activity off school property any device, machine, instrument, artifact, letter, package, material or substance to cause a person to reasonably believe the item is capable of causing harmful or life-threatening illness or injury. Students shall not threaten to commit an act of terror with the intent of causing a serious disruption to or causing an actual significant disruption of the instructional day or school-sponsored activity while a student is on any school property or at school-sponsored activity on or off school property. Students shall not communicate a false report that a terroristic act likely to cause serious injury or death is a bout to occur or is occurring on any school property or at any school sponsored event off school property, with the intent of causing a significant disruption or actually causing an actual significant disruption of the instructional day or school-sponsored activity.


Elementary - OSS up to long-term suspension. Law enforcement will be called.

Middle School - OSS up to long-term suspension. Law enforcement will be called.

High School OSS up to long- term suspension. Law enforcement will be called.

c) Inciting or Participating in Student Disorder-Students shall not lead or participate in any activity that has as its purpose the disruption of school business or which significantly affects the educational process. In the event that the disruption does not abate immediately or if the principal deems it appropriate, law enforcement will be called.


Elementary - OSS up to long-term suspension. Law enforcement will be called.

Middle School - OSS up to long-term suspension. Law enforcement will be called.

High School OSS up to long-term suspension. Law enforcement will be called.

Rule 24. Possession, Use, Sale, Delivery or Distribution of Marijuana, Narcotics, Stimulants, Alcoholic Beverages and Any Other Unauthorized or Illegal Substances or Drug Paraphernalia - Students shall not possess, use, sell, transmit, deliver or distribute marijuana, narcotics, stimulants, alcoholic beverages or any other controlled or unauthorized or illegal substances or drug paraphernalia or any substance which impairs or otherwise mimics the hallucinatory, euphoric, depressive and/or intoxicating effects of illegal substances at any time while a student is at school in any school building and on any school premises, attending school-sponsored activities, on or about any school-owned or operated vehicle, off school property at any school-sponsored or school-approved activity or function or during any period of time when students are subject to the authority of school personnel, and/or at any time when the student's behavior has a direct and immediate effect on maintaining order and discipline and protecting safety and welfare of students and staff. In all cases the substance will be confiscated.


Elementary - ass up to 10 days. Confiscate substance. If illegal activity is implicated, law enforcement will be called. Intervention program may be required.

Middle School - ass up to 10 days. Confiscate substance. If illegal activity is implicated, law enforcement will be called. Intervention program may be required.

High School ass up to long-term suspension. Confiscate substance. If illegal activity is implicated, law enforcement will be called. Intervention program may be required.

Rule 25. Gang Activity or Gang-related Activity- No students shall commit any act which furthers gangs or gang-related activities. A gang is any ongoing organization, association or group of three or more persons, whether formal or informal, having as its primary activities the commission of criminal acts and having a common name, identifying sign, colors or symbols. Conduct prohibited by this policy includes: • Wearing, possessing, using, distributing, displaying, or selling any clothing, jewelry, emblems, badges, symbols, signs, visible tattoos and body markings, or other items, or bring in possession of literature that shows affiliation with a gang, or is evidence of membership or affiliation in any gang or with the purpose of promoting gang affiliation; • Communicating either verbally or non-verbally (gestures, handshakes, slogans, drawings, etc.), to convey membership affiliation in any gang or that promotes gang affiliation; • Tagging or otherwise defacing school or personal property with gang or gang-related symbols or slogans; • Requiring payment of protection, money or insurance, or otherwise intimidating or threatening any person related to gang activity; • Inciting other students to intimidate or to act with physical violence upon any other person related to gang activity;• Soliciting others for gang membership; and• Conspiring to commit any violation of this policy or committing or conspiring to commit any other illegal act or other violation of school district policies that related to gang activity. This rule will only apply when the behavior does not meet the standards of any other violation. If gang-related activity is associated with another act of misconduct, evidence of gang activities shall be considered an aggravating factor. Before being suspended for the first offense of wearing gang-related attire (when not involved in any other kind of gang related activity or behavior), a student shall receive a warning and be allowed to immediately change or remove the attire that is in violation of this policy, unless the student has been specifically notified of a prohibited item of attire.


Elementary - In-school disciplinary action up to ass. Up to 3 days ass for repeated or serious violations. Repeat or serious violators may be required to participate in a gang intervention program or meeting.

Middle School - ass up to 10 days for repeated or serious violations. Repeat or serious violators may be required to participate in a gang intervention program or meeting.

High School ass up to 10 days for repeated or serious violations. Repeat or serious violators may be required to participate in a gang intervention program or meeting.

Rule 26. Violations of North Carolina Criminal Statutes- Students shall not violate any criminal statute or local ordinance or commit any act which could result in criminal prosecution or juvenile proceedings not previously covered elsewhere in these rules at any time while a student is at school in any school building and on any school premises, attending school-sponsored activities, on or about any school-owned or operated vehicle, off school property at any school-sponsored or school-approved activity or function or during any period of time when students are subject to the authority of school personnel, and at any time when the student's behavior has a direct and immediate effect on maintaining order and discipline and protecting safety and welfare of students and staff.


Elementary - OSS up to long-term suspension. Law enforcement will be called.

Middle School - OSS up to long-term suspension. Law enforcement will be called.

High School - OSS up to long-term suspension. Law enforcement will be called.

Rule 27. Prohibitions on the Use of Cellular Phones and Other Electronic Devices-

a) Inappropriate Use of Electronic Devices - Students may not use Electronic Devices, examples of which include but are not limited to cellular phones, laptops, school computers and iPods, in any way that either compromises educational integrity, disrupts the educational environment, or any other lewd, inappropriate or otherwise disruptive manner.


Elementary - Inappropriate use of school electronic devices may result in loss of privileges to use the equipment. Confiscation of the Portable Electronic Device for up to 5 school days with the device to be returned only to an authorized parent or guardian. Inappropriate use of school electronic devices may result in loss of privileges to use the equipment.

Middle School - Confiscation of the Portable Electronic Device for up to 5 school days with the device to be returned only to an authorized parent or guardian. Repeated or serious violations may result in ISS up to 3 days OSS. Inappropriate use of school electronic devices may result in loss of privileges to use the equipment.

High School Confiscation of the Portable Electronic Device for up to 10 school days with the device to be returned only to an authorized parent or guardian or to the student in the event the child is 18 years of age or older. Repeated or serious violations may result in ISS up to 3 days OSS.

b) Use of any Portable Electronic Device for elementary and middle school students, examples of which include but are not limited to cellular phones and iPods, during the school day, meaning from five minutes prior to the first tardy bell to five minutes after the dismissal bell, is strictly prohibited. Exceptions include a laptop/notebook computer, calculator or other similar item either furnished by Lexington City Schools for the purpose of educational instruction or similar personal items with the express permission of school personnel for the purpose of educational instruction.


Elementary - Confiscation of the Portable Electronic Device for up to 5 school days with the device to be returned only to an authorized parent or guardian.

Middle School - Confiscation of the Portable Electronic Device for up to 10 school days with the device to be returned only to an authorized parent or guardian. Repeated violations may result in ISS up to 3 days OSS.

High School Students- High school students shall comply with the policies and procedures of their own individual high school regarding cell phones and other portable electronic devices. Consequences High School Consequence may be up to but shall not exceed confiscation of the Portable Electronic Device and/or ISS up to 10 days OSS.

Rule 28. Student Dress -A student will maintain personal attire and grooming standards that promote safety, health and acceptable standards of social conduct and are not disruptive to the educational environment. This will include student clothing that materially and substantially disrupts classes or other school activities, including but not limited to gang articles of clothing. Please see the dress code or Standard Mode of Dress (SMOD} policy at your school. Before being disciplined for the first offense, a student shall receive a warning and be allowed to immediately change or remove the attire that is in violation of this rule and his/her parent(s) or guardian(s) will be contacted.


Elementary - In-school disciplinary action (and parent contact) for the first three offenses that occur on different school days during a grading period.

Middle School - In-school disciplinary action (and parent contact) for the first three offenses that occur on different school days during a grading period.

High School - In-school disciplinary action (and parent contact) for the first three offenses that occur on different school days during a grading period.