Data & Reports

District & School Report Cards

Welcome to the site of the Lexington City Schools annual report card. Within this site you can find some important information regarding our schools, our students, and our staff. As you examine our results, please reference some of our previous report cards. We are working tirelessly to ensure we are growing every child, every day, in every classroom. Focusing on individual student growth is a part of our strategy to maximize student performance. Our report card data will show that we are moving forward and student achievement is at the heart of what we do. We will continue to improve and anticipate scores exceeding the state average in all areas within the next few years. We invite our community to be a part of that journey with us.

The report cards are available on the NC Report Card Web site

As indicated in our new Strategic Plan, our focus areas are:

  • Improving Academic Outcomes for All Students

  • Increasing Student and Stakeholder Involvement

  • Increasing Employee Effectiveness and Growing a Strong Workforce

  • Allocating Resources Equitably and Strategically

Please feel free to call or email me with any questions you may have.

We are proud of our students and staff and where we are headed.