Jacket Parent Academy

Welcome to the resource designed especially for parents & guardians…..The Jacket Parent Academy (JPA)!

The mission of Jacket Parent Academy is to increase parent, student and community involvement in the Lexington City Schools district. The Jacket Parent Academy increases and empowers involvement by...

  • Encouraging volunteerism

  • Providing equitable, diverse, educational opportunities to increase parent/community understanding of critical elements pertaining to student academics

  • Serving as an outlet to express views, concerns and ask questions regarding education

  • Alleviating the work-life-child-school-balance stressors 


  • Seek Parent/Community Involvement

  • Support Parent/Community Involvement

  • Strive for Student/Parent Success in Student Academics

Studies show that parent involvement is essential to a student's well-being. When parents are involved, improvement is shown in many areas. The Jacket Parent Academy will foster these areas. 

  • Confidence Boost

  • Increased Accountability

  • Positive Behaviors & Attitudes

  • Perfect/Stable Attendance

  • Improvement in Grades

  • Improvement in Test Scores

  • Better Social Skills

  • Strengthened Bonds (Teacher-Parent-Student)


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About Jacket Academy

Parent Participation

Parents can become involved by....

  • Participating in monthly educational sessions/classes sponsored by JPA

  • Volunteering at your child's school/district events

  • Attending quarterly conferences at your child’s school

  • Attending Title 1 events at your child’s school

  • Utilizing resources provided by LCS and the community 

  • Serving as alumni mentors to upcoming graduates

  • Serving as Jacket Parent Academy ambassadors and advocates to help create community awareness

Parent Prizes

Incentives are offered after parents attend classes. Parents are entered into raffles to win prizes after each class or will receive subject-appropriate gifts from the community class speakers. 

  • Gift Cards 

  • Graduation and Volunteer Appreciation Ceremony (End-of-year) 

  • Personalized program completion certificate and trophy   

  • Graduate paraphernalia 

  • Instant alumni membership & alumni paraphernalia (District, Local Community Representation) 

  • Ambassador Status (District, Local Community & State Representation)

If you are interested in joining the Jacket Parent Academy, please complete the membership form below and Email K. Wilkie. to receive more information. 

Parent Membership Form (English)

Formulario de membresía para padres (Español)