PL Guidelines

  • School Media Coordinators are the primary point of contact and support for all Professional Learning resources, information and questions.

  • How to Renew Your Teaching License

  • All Professional Learning that occurs during normal school hours MUST FIRST BE APPROVED BY YOUR SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR and substitute coverage arranged for the duration of the Professional Learning.

  • Internal Professional Learning may be developed and offered at the school and district level for CEU credit with PRIOR APPROVAL by the LCS Human Resources (HR) department. Admins and media coordinators should submit requests for Internal PL approval using the PL Proposal Form on the left side menu. Any PL not PRE-APPROVED cannot be issued CEU credit.

  • All Internal PL Facilitators must submit a copy of the agenda and sign in sheets to the school media coordinator who will forward it to HR. Without the agenda and sign in sheets, CEU credit cannot be issued.

  • All Internal PL requires participants to Register for the PL session at least 24 hours in advance to ensure there are seats and materials available. Use PL Registration form (left side menu.) 

  • All Internal PL requires participants to complete an online PL Evaluation Form (left side menu.)

  • All External Professional Learning providers included on External PL Opportunities document (left side menu) does not require pre-approval by the HR department. Any External PL not on this list MUST receive prior approval from HR or CEU credit cannot be issued.

  • All External Professional Learning requires the participant to submit a copy of his/her certificate of completion to to receive CEU credit.

  • All External Professional Learning requires the participant to redeliver information as a PL training within 60 days (school media coordinators must document the date and send a copy of the agenda and sign in sheet to HR.)

  • All PL documentation for CEU credit must be turned in within 90 days of the completion of the PL activity

  • Please allow 10 school days from the date designated staff submit your CEU documentation (certificate, sign in sheet with agenda, transcript, etc.) for your CEU History to be updated online.