PL Activity Types

Lexington City Schools has approved the following Professional Learning activities to accrue towards Continuing Education Credits (CEU).

Professional Learning Activities


Professional Learning Workshops (attended)

Actual seat hours

Professional Learning Workshops (presenter)

Equal to actual hours of workshop

College Coursework, beyond Initial Bachelor’s Degree, in area of certification (prior approval required)

15 hours per

1 college credit

National, state or local conferences (i.e. ASCD, NCSLMA, NCTiES, NFHS, EdFest). Must turn in agenda and list of sessions attended.

Actual seat hours

Professional Learning Faculty Meetings (only if a PL topic is the focus; prior approval required)

Up to 1 hr per month if designated as PL

PLC Department or Team Meetings within the school day (agenda and meeting notes required)

Up to 10 hrs per school year

Supervising student teachers (student teaching only)

10 hours (per semester)

Supervising college internships for graduate students (admin only)

10 hours (per semester)

Completion of entire National Board Certification program (within 5 year window)

80 hours

Renewal of National Board Certification

20 hours

Professional Committee participation (district & building) in any of the following committees: SIT, MTSS, Technology (check with HR for prior approval for other committees)

Actual hours

Other Activities as listed:

•      Engaging in professional reading, research (book study- prior approval & outside of school hours)
•     Curriculum development (pacing guides creation/review, benchmarks, common assessments; outside of school hours)
•      PL offerings from national, state, or regional professional organizations (prior approval & outside of school hours)
•      Note: PL must have clear objectives that address learner needs and can be assessed or completion confirmed. They cannot be from general attendance at meetings that provide information about a particular program or product without measurable objectives.

As Determined with Prior Approval