Career and College Promise

Why You Should Participate

Registration and tuition are FREE. Some courses may require book costs.* You can earn high school and college credits at the same time. Any College Transfer Pathway course you complete at DCCC with a grade of C or better will transfer to the 16 public universities in North Carolina and/or count toward completing a program at DCCC. As a CCP student, you have access to all DCCC Campus and Student services such as the Library, Fitness Center, Campus Concerts, Athletic Events and more. College faculty teach all classes in the program. On-line and face-to-face courses are available. (Free transportation provided if needed).


You’re eligible to enroll in selected programs as a high school freshman or sophomore. All pathways are available to high school juniors and seniors. So why wait? Starting CCP early can lead to multiple certificates in Career and Technical Education pathways, prepare you for a career or give you a boost to complete your degree at DCCC or another college or university.

Make sure you meet the following requirements:

For Career and Technical Education Pathways
High school junior or senior
* Unweighted high school GPA of 2.8 or higher; or
* Demonstrate college readiness on approved assessments in English, reading, and math; or
* Have written recommendation from high school principal.
* For College Transfer Pathway

High School freshman or sophomore
* Recommendation of the high school principal;
* Demonstrate college readiness on approved assessments in English, reading, and math.
* C or Better in Math I;
* EOC score of 3, 4, or 5 for Math I; and
* EOG score of 3, 4, or 5 for 8th Grade ELA Assessment


Work with Mrs. Elizabeth Cross - Career Development Coordinator - Email  - Phone Number

More Information for the Career & College Promise Pathway