Weekly Updates From Principal Stone

Good Evening LMS Families,

This is your principal Mr. Stone with our weekly updates. Thank you for another great week in the HIVE. We had some very productive days last week and I am looking forward to continuing our work together. Special shout out to 3 of our families for blessing our staff with healthy snacks and treats on Valentines Day.

We also had measurable success in closing out our Basketball season and our 8th athletes closed out their season as winners.

Reminder: Parents please be sure to have your children at school by 8:15am so they will not be marked tardy.  Tardies add up to absences. The tardy bell will be at 8:20am each day.

Please be reminded that cell phones are not authorized for use during the instructional day. The school will not be held responsible for any lost or stolen devices. We appreciate your cooperation in keeping the focus on learning.



  • Monday, February 17: Required Teacher Work day! There will be NO school for students.

  • Tuesday, February 18: Connect 21 After School Enrichment Tuesday-Thursday *Contact Ms. Mosley (cmosley@lexcs.org) or Mrs. Brunck (jbrunck@lexcs.org) LMS

    • WIDA testing will continue for our Multi Language Learning students.

    • Lexington City Schools Community Meeting on Facilities @ 4PM The meeting will take place at the Sapona Golf, Swim, and Tennis Club, located at 439 Beaver Creek Rd, Lexington, NC 27295.


  • Tuesday, February 18:Soccer Tryouts begin and will end Thursday, Feb. 20th

    • Time: 3:45PM-5PM

    • Lady Jacket student-athletes must have a current physical to participate

    • Contact: Soccer head coach-(sborrego@lexcs.org)

Athletic Director-Mr. Chad Lomax (aclomax@lexcs.org) or each sports head coach by email if you have any questions.

Athletic fundraiser extended until February 17th

Here is the link to shop: https://stores.inksoft.com/WS113657

(Sponsor: Mr. Holt (mholt@lexcs.org)

Student Schedule

This week will be an "A” week and your grade level administrator and Encore teachers will be available to assist you.

Friday, February 21st-Club Day!

Community Fair-English flyer

Community Fair-Spanish flyer