General Information
Our Vision:
The Charles England Elementary School Family will provide a safe and nurturing environment to enable all students to become lifelong learners and real world problem solvers.
Our Mission:
The mission of the Charles England Elementary School Family is to work diligently toward the common goal of success for all students. This will include effective, rigorous instruction that meets the cognitive, language, physical, social, ethical and psychological well being of all students.
Our Core Beliefs:
1. A good school is one that is a safe and welcoming environment where collaboration and respect drive high expectations and growth of the whole child through rigorous instruction. All stakeholders are held accountable to ensure the success of all students.
2. Successful students will be able to think critically and use higher order thinking skills to become real world problem solvers. They will be able to communicate effectively and demonstrate academic growth. They will contribute to a safe environment through the use of developmentally appropriate social skills and strive to become global lifelong learners.
3. An effective classroom is one in which there is a safe, supportive, nurturing, and rigorous environment where all students take risks, collaborate, create, and problem solve through differentiated instruction.
4. An effective school staff member, teacher, and principals is one who:
Works well collaboratively while creating a trusting environment
Works diligently toward the common goal of success for all students
Enables and inspires a perse population of student, staff, and parents to work together as a cohesive unit in order for our students to become 21st century learners.
5. A quality instructional program includes a challenging, rigorous curriculum in which teachers hold high expectations for student achievement. It is creative and fun yet developmentally appropriate. It includes instruction that incorporates all learning styles and meets not only the cognitive and language pathways, but the physical, social, ethical and psychological pathways as well.
NCSTAR is used to house our vision, mission and school improvement plan.
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