Credit By Demonstrated Mastery

Credit by Demonstrated Mastery is the process by which schools, based on a body of evidence, can award student credit in a particular course without requiring the student to complete the classroom instruction for a certain amount of seat time. It is a way for students to benefit from subject-level acceleration, as opposed to whole-grade acceleration.

All students in North Carolina Public Schools in grades 9-12 are eligible to request an opportunity to earn credit by demonstrating mastery for available courses.  Middle school students may request an opportunity for CDM for high school courses offered in grades 6-8. In Lexington City Schools, this currently includes Math I.

*7th grade math is also available.
Parents and students interested in learning more about CDM should contact:

Ms. Tonya Withers
Director of Student Services
336-242-1574, ext. 2234
Email Tonya